About Us
About The Township
Plains Township is a First Class Township governed by a five member Board of Commissioners. The Commissioners serve as liaisons between the people of Plains Township and the County, State and Federal Governments. Some of their responsibilities include making appropriations, adopting a budget, levying taxes and adopting ordinances and resolutions to make rules and regulations. They also supervise the appointment, suspension or removal of all Township employees.
Plains Township was formed on November 10, 1851. Located between Wilkes-Barre and Pittston, Plains Township covers an area of 14.7 square miles. On December 7, 1899 it became a First-Class Township. According to the 2010 US Census, Plains has a population of 9,961 and 4,773 housing units. Plains Township is also the home of Pennsylvania’s first casino, The Mohegan Pennsylvania.
Plains Township’s Town Hall Building is located at 126 N. Main Street and houses the Administrative, Tax Office, Police and Fire Department Headquarters, Zoning/Code Enforcement and the Plains Branch of the Osterhout Library.
A second Municipal building is located at 50 Second Street in the Fox Hill section of the Township. The building is utilized for public meetings and is occupied by a Police Substation & Fire Department Station #2. The Luzerne County Bureau of Aging operates a Senior Citizen Center there as well.
Business Hours
Administrative Office, 126 North Main Street
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00am to 4:00 pm
Wednesday 8:00am to 6:00 pm
570-829-3439 ext 4001, 4002, 4003
Do you have questions or concerns for the Board of Commissioner’s? You can email commissioners@plainstownship.org
Zoning Office Hours
8:00am to 4:00pm
570-829-3439 ext 4141 or email zoning@plainstownship.org
Tax Office Hours
Please check your tax bill for current hours or call 570829-3439 ext 4009
Excluding Holidays