The administrative branch of Plains Township consists of different offices with employees all dedicated to the betterment of the Township’s Community. The Township’s Board of Commissioners are elected officials and begin the make-up of the administrative branch of the Township. Other Township agencies that are within the administrative branch include the Tax Collector’s Office, the Zoning Office, the Planning Commission and the Civil Service Commission.
Plains Township Town Hall and Administrative building is located at 126 North Main Street. Another Township municipal building is located at 50 Second Street in the Fox Hill section of Plains Twp. The Town Hall building houses the Administrative and Zoning offices, the Tax Office, Police and Fire Departments as well as the Plains Branch of the Osterhout library. The Fox Hill Firehouse Municipal Building houses another branch of the Fire Department & Police Substation. The Department of Public Works & Recycling Center are located on Cemetery Street. The Fox Hill Firehouse Municipal Building is where the Township Commissioners meet.
Plains Township also has Appointed Personnel that maintain the positions of Solicitor, Engineer, Auditor and Zoning Officer. The Township has a Civil Service Commission, Sewer Authority, Planning Commission, Recreation Board and the Zoning Hearing Board